Founders of Fortis Legacy

Thomas & Alisha Miller

Thomas was born in New York and moved to Forest City, Florida when he was 8. German was Thomas’ first language as his parents were first generation immigrants. It took until the 11th grade until Thomas became proficient in reading and writing with English as a second language. He went to Lake Brantley High School and continued on to UCF where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business. He was raised by a middle-class family who told him to go to school, get good grades and get a good job. But what is a good job? He worked in the geotechnical engineering field and then went on to a subcontracting company, where after many years of service he earned partial ownership of the entire company. Alisha was born and raised in the Apopka, Florida area where she attended Apopka High School. Then she went on to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Dairy Science from University of Florida. She was raised on a farm and was taught that an education would equal a very good paying job. She worked in the dairy industry and ultimately ended up teaching at a private school. Thomas and Alisha married in 1993, and by 1999, they had three daughters and to the outside world, lived a decent life. To most people, they had it all. They had a home, two vehicles and what looked like a great family. What they did not see, was that Thomas and Alisha were having trouble making ends meet and they just wanted more in their lives. They wanted to own their own business, set their own hours, and make the amount of money they wanted to make. In 2004, they met an entrepreneur that changed the destiny of their future.

Foundation of Generational

Your legacy is not only what you leave behind for your family, but the name they should be proud to stand upon. The future of this world is in the hands of the next generation. We strive to be a part of the leadership that will take place in those future generations. Our mission is help families create strong foundations for their family so their children can start from their shoulders and not from the ground up. We build boys to men and girls to women. The pillars we stand on are held up by characteristics such as Honor, Faith, Hope and Courage. We are the visionaries for families with the dreams of accomplishing the impossible.

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